I'm in the Holy Week crunch at church (easily the busiest week in my year) and desperately behind. I'd still like to write something for the ROBOTS BEYOND collection. I've got enough friends in there that it'd be a treat to be published alongside them.
Doug Wojtowicz, John Oliver, Thom Brannan. I suspect Lane Adamson's nifty robotis take on John Steinbeck will make it too and have my fingers crossed for two very nice stories by Bobbie Metevier and Leah Clarke.
I'm taking a couple of days off next week. With any luck I can do a robots story, do some major plotting for a Stargate novel Richard Dean Starr and I are hoping to get accepted, then there's another mysterious Dave story I want to finish for Gods and Monsters and some mythology research for the novel I'm planning with Leah(!)
How is it I'm sugddenly working on two novels? I'll need a miracle to get it all done.
Updates coming soon
1 day ago
Good luck with your story for Robots Beyond.
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