The contents information for THE GREEN HORNET CHRONICLES is out (I lifted this from Win Eckert's blog.
* Edited by Joe Gentile and Win Scott Eckert
* Covers by Glen Orbik and Rubén Procopio/interior illustrations by Procopio
* "Reflections on The Green Hornet": Introduction by Van Williams
* "The Night Car" by Will Murray
* "I Had The Green Hornet’s Love Child!" by Greg Cox
* "Weakness" by C.J. Henderson
* "Topsy-Turvy" by James Chambers
* "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Richard Dean Starr
* "Just a Man" by Thom Brannan
* "The Cold Cash Kill" by James Reasoner
* "Flight of the Yellow Jacket" by Howard Hopkins
* "By Scarab and Scorpion" by Mark Ellis
* "You Can’t Pick the Number" by Rich Harvey
* "Eyes of the Madonna" by Ron Fortier
* "Stormy Weather" by Patricia Weakley
* "The Auction" by Terry Alexander
* "Go Go Gone" by Robert Greenberger
* "Mutual Assured Destruction" by Bill Spangler
* "The Crimson Dragon" by Mark Justice
* "Fang and Sting" by Win Scott Eckert
* "The Inside Man" by Matthew Baugh
* "The Soul of Solomon" by Harlan Ellison(R)
* "Life at 90 MPH": Afterword by Dean Jeffries
* "The Green Hornet's Hunch" by Dennis O'Neil (bonus story in Limited Editions only)
There are a lot of good writers and a couple of good illustrators there. The Harlan Ellison story (fragment actually), with a short essay is the same story that also appears in vol 3 of THE PHANTOM chronicles.
The introduction is by Van Williams, who played the Green Hornet on the TV series, and the afterward by legendary props man Dean Jeffries who built the Black Beauty car.
I can't wait!!!
Updates coming soon
1 day ago
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