I heard last night from Richard Crawford that Daikaijuzine would like to publish "Panzersloth" in their June 21, 2009 issue!
In his words:
There are not nearly enough stories that feature giant scaled anteaters, and I'm glad to see you have addressed this critical shortage.
This was a fun one to write, largely because it was a silly send-up of the giant monster movies of the 1950's. Mostly though, it was fun because it was a chance to work with my friend Leah Clarke. It's her second sale, the first having come just a couple of days earlier, and well-deserved. She is a writer to watch and a delight to work with.
And, just in case you were wondering what the giant creature that menaces Chicago in the story looks like. I present Pansy (normal-sized version).
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! *hides*
*offers congratulations from underneath anteater-proof table*
Great news and a thoroughly entertaining story when it ran through the PIT!
I predict this will be a great year for you and for Leah!
Catherine - Thanks! :)
Rakie - It's a pangolin, not an anteater. Completely different animal. You can come out from under the table.
Bobbie - Thanks! It's a great start for the year and I think it'll be a good one for all of us!
I'm so excited :D And I loved the acceptance letter. It's good to know we're not the only ones who recognise this shortage.
As a friend would say: "Peace, post, postulate, pangolins!"
look, it says "anteater" right there in the header, i am so not coming out.
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